Treasure Hunt – Friday 4th July

29 people split into 9 teams to take part in our Treasure Hunt, this year round the village of Thurcaston. We met at the Wheatsheaf Pub in the village and although the weather had been glorious all day, the rain came at 6:30, just as we were about to set people off, and it continued to drizzle for most of the evening. However, the hardened ‘Wreakies’ were up for it and all plodded on regardless.

By around 8:15, groups armed with sodden answer sheets (some of which had to be completely rewritten) started to return to the Skittle Alley, and Lyn & I set about the marking. Once everyone was back we  began to eat the cold buffet & chips.

Then I proceeded to run through the answers, which once again resulted in groans etc from people as they realised what they had missed along the way.

With all the scores worked out we were able to announce the results:-

In first place was Jackie & Pat Wilkes, aided by Charmaine and John Hall
Second place was Richard & Gill Linnett
and in third, by only 1 point less, was the team of Lyndsey & Phil Wilson, Helen & Wayne Morris and Jane Brunskill.

So thanks to all those that came along and made such an enjoyable evening, it made all the work worthwhile.

Lyn & Dave Palmer