Charnwood Challenge: Race Report

New Wreakie Corrina took on the ‘Charnwood Challenge’ recently, here is her report:

A new route, attended by approx 52 runners (a mixture of local and far clubs), I went and represented the Wreakies for the 10 mile race…

The day started a bit drizzly and freezing; I debated wearing long sleeves, but didn’t need to as it brightened into a beautiful sunny day. Lots of hardcore runners were at the scouts hut, it was too late to turn back now – I reminded myself this would be ‘nice and paced’, just need to get round.

Started off ok and I knew it would be a hilly route, but I hadn’t realised how hilly – actually the entire race was up and down. Something I think you hill rep fans (aka Gareth Tomlinson & Megan Brewster) would love. Some hills were so steep I even saw some of the most speedy runners only managing a brisk walk up. Downhill was a bit scary and I took a few tumbles, some parts resembled an assault course, plus I got a bit lost on a cliff somewhere near the end. Thankfully, some fellow runners got me back on track. That last mile was very unforgiving, no easy sprint finish here. Lots of encouragement from smiling Marshalls helped. It felt great to pass that finish line… but now nursing some very sore legs.

Apparently it was the first time this route had been tried; set up by some members of the barrow running group. If anyone is interested, I recommend it, especially to find some lovely baked goods by the scouts at the end!